Control Risks is a specialist global risk consultancy that helps organisations succeed in a volatile world. Through insight, intelligence and technology, we help you seize opportunities while remaining secure, compliant and resilient. When crises and complex issues arise, we help you recover. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
The China Story in 2015: The view from Africa
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
China has played a major role in Africa’s growth story over the past decade. Now that the Chinese economy is rebalancing and GDP growth is slowing, how will that affect Africa’s prospects?

Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
The China Story in 2015: The Americas perspective
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
The slowdown in China’s GDP is being felt around the world and in this podcast, Michael Moran, Control Risks managing director in New York talks to Bliss Khaw, Control Risks associate director and China lead in the Americas.

Friday Feb 13, 2015
Friday Feb 13, 2015
A new ceasefire in Ukraine has little hope of sticking, Sri Lanka’s new president visits Delhi, and what businesses should watch for in the coming US budget debate. Hosted by Charles Hecker and Michael Moran.

Friday Feb 13, 2015
IS in the Maghreb
Friday Feb 13, 2015
Friday Feb 13, 2015
In a region with a history Islamist militancy, the increase in militia in Libya that claim allegiance to Islamic State (IS) has people asking whether IS could carve out a stronghold in North Africa. Geoffrey Howard, Control Risks lead North Africa analyst discusses the prospect.

Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
RiskMap Podcast: Nigeria’s Election and the View From Asia
Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
The final two weeks of Nigeria’s election bring considerable uncertainty to Africa’s largest economy. Meanwhile, Asian investors look abroad for opportunities, focusing on Africa, the Middle East and Indonesia. Hosted by Michael Moran and Charles Hecker.

Monday Feb 02, 2015
Greece and Europe – the road ahead
Monday Feb 02, 2015
Monday Feb 02, 2015
After a confrontational first week in power, Greece’s governing SYRIZA party has toned down the rhetoric and is now talking to European leaders.
David Lea, Control Risks Senior Europe Analyst and Dr James Nixon, Chief European Economist at Oxford Economics discuss what the coming months will bring.

Monday Jan 26, 2015
Greeks vote against EU austerity – now what?
Monday Jan 26, 2015
Monday Jan 26, 2015
The people of Greece have chosen the Coalition of the Radical Left or SYRIZA to form the next government. Falling just short of an overall majority,SYRIZA will enter a coalition with the Independent Greeks party. The one thing the two partners have in common is fierce opposition to austerity measures that come with the European Union bailout.
With the Coalition of the Radical Left or SYRIZA preparing to govern Greece on a platform of ending austerity, Control Risks Senior Europe Analyst, David Lea looks at the tough choices faced by the new government, Greece and Europe.

Wednesday Jan 21, 2015
Understanding Social Risk In Latin America
Wednesday Jan 21, 2015
Wednesday Jan 21, 2015
Social risk is nothing new, but for companies doing business in Latin America, these risks are increasingly coming to the fore. Companies who pay lip service to community relations do so at their own peril, but those that take a nuanced approach can position themselves for success, say Simon Whistler and Oliver Wack.

Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
Navigating the Challenges of Emerging Markets
Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
David Hughson of Radius Worldwide and Jonny Gray of Control Risks discuss some of the obstacles that companies face in emerging markets. Gone are the days when companies could get by on a wish and a prayer, they say; success requires more carefully considered risk management strategies.

Monday Jan 05, 2015
RiskMap Podcast, RiskMap 2015 Edition
Monday Jan 05, 2015
Monday Jan 05, 2015
Coinciding with the release of Control Risks’ annual RiskMap report, this episode of the RiskMap podcast reviews the major themes in the report: diverging interests between national governments and international businesses, heightened animosity between nations, and the growing frequency and magnitude of crises on a global scale. Michael Moran and Charles Hecker host.

Thursday Dec 11, 2014
Recent Reports Paint Bleak Corruption Picture
Thursday Dec 11, 2014
Thursday Dec 11, 2014
‘Tis the season for anti-corruption reports. Three recent reports—from the OECD, Transparency International and Control Risks—examine corruption risk in the public and private sector. Collectively they suggest that corruption is a global challenge, it is growing, and many companies have failed to implement basic measures. Alison Taylor considers these findings and what companies should do.

Friday Dec 05, 2014
RiskMap Podcast: China Invests in US, Saudi Arabia on Oil Prices
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Friday Dec 05, 2014
With the global economy sputtering, the United States can expect to see more foreign investment from China. Meanwhile, low oil prices have some producers worried, but not Saudi Arabia, which is taking the strategic long view.

Friday Nov 21, 2014
RiskMap Podcast: Forecasting Business Environments in Russia and China
Friday Nov 21, 2014
Friday Nov 21, 2014
The combination of sanctions and low oil prices have strained Russia’s economy and raised questions about the stability of the business environment there. Meanwhile, a new regulatory environment in China appears to be stabilizing. Control Risks’ country experts look at what 2015 has in store in each country.

Wednesday Nov 19, 2014
Ukraine: EU sanctions against Russia
Wednesday Nov 19, 2014
Wednesday Nov 19, 2014
The EU has failed to agree on a further round of sanctions against Russia, despite clear evidence of renewed Russian military supplies to rebels in the east of Ukraine. In this podcast, we look at the prospects for further sanctions, and the impact to date of the measures already imposed against Russia by the West in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

Friday Nov 07, 2014
Catalan Elections
Friday Nov 07, 2014
Friday Nov 07, 2014
On Sunday 9th November the Catalans will finally have their say on independence. Or will they? David Lea, Control Risks Chief European Analyst unravels this latest piece of European separatism.